Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Building Green

So this doesn't really have anything to do with my trip, but I was at the opening day of the Greenbuild conference today and thought I'd relay some info. The conference is organized by the United States Green Building Council, which developed the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system for buildings...basically a measure of how "green" a building is (and a large part of what I do for a living).

So this conference is a mass gathering of architects, designers, engineers, building owners, utility companies, students, scientists and so many others from around the world. The last time I went was 2002 in was really fresh and exciting then because it was the first year of the conference and, really, the beginning of the movement toward building green in the states. This year the attendance number that was kicked around was about 18,000. That's probabaly about 5 to 6 times the attendees from the 2002 conference. Still fresh and exciting because the movement is growing beyond anyone's expectations. So I wanted to capture the mass of people in these pics. Take what you see and multiply by 100. It's good to see this stuff becoming more of a cultural shift than a niche interest amongst industry folks.

So here's some links for those of you interested in learning more:
The USGBC's main website. Good place to start.
The LEED wesbite. Click on Resources for a big list of green links.
This site was just launched today and is meant to be a green education hub. I'm sure we'll see this grow over the years.
A great non-industry site on all things green. Lots of good info for everyday use on here.


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