Saturday, November 10, 2007


So we finally made it after the long flight. I don't think people are meant to be trapped in a plane for 14 hours...not entirely fun, but probabaly better than a layover. Cool thing is that the plane was tricked out with an entertainment system behind every of movies, TV shows and games. I killed much time by watching No Reservations, The Simpson's Movie and playing Tetris (whadya say, vww?).

We left at 8PM Chicago time and landed at 9PM Delhi time (the next day). Needless to say, I was jet-lagged beyond belief, ans still am as I write this post the next morning. Got out of the airport and the first thing I noticed is that it smells like a very good way. It's hard to describe, but despite only going back to the country every 4 or 5 years, it still remains a very familiar scent....jasmine flowers, exotic plantlife, food cooking, traffic pollution, sewer stench...all in the same whiff. I know, sounds like a potent concoction, but that's India.

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